Installation notes: The following files are required by this program: In the chosen directory 1) FDES.EXE Main .exe file 2) FDES.INI Standard Windows format .INI file 3) FDESDES.MDB Database file holding input masks and help text 4) FDESDES.LDB Control file for above 5) FDES.HLP Help file In the Windows/System directory 1) VBRUN300.DLL Main VB3 run time file 2) VBDB300.DLL Needed for data access 3) MSAES110.DLL Needed for data access 4) MSAJT110.DLL Needed for data access 5) CMDIALOG.VBX For common dialog control 6) COMMDLG.DLL For common dialog control 7) THREED.VBX Gives 3D command buttons with icons 8) GRID.VBX 9) SPIN.VBX 10) CBK.VBX Various behind the scenes tasks! 11) SBCKBD.VBX Various behind the scenes tasks! 12) SPYPVBX.VBX Various behind the scenes tasks! 13) VSVBX.VBX Gives various facilities inc. 3D and re-size 14) VSVBX.LIC License file for the above 15) DWSPYDLL.DLL Various behind the scenes tasks! Since you must have the pro edition of VB3 to make use of this program, the files 1 to 4 above are not included since they are part of VB3 professional. Files 5 to 9 are also included in the VB3 pro package but are included here in case you do not have the latest versions. FDES3.INI NB Alter the path to your chosen directory for the .MDB files in this ini file. i.e. this line! detailsdbname=d:\fdes\FDESDES.mdb The sample program: Both an .exe and source code is included This shows you how to use the results of FDES 1) sample.exe 2) sample.mak 3) sample.frm 4) sample.ini --- NB! Be sure to alter the path 5) Sample.mdb 6) sample.ldb 7) helpdis1.frm 8) helpdis1.frx 9) fdescom.bas - this is the code module to include in all your projects which use FDES REGISTER 10) fdesreg.txt - gives details on how to register etc. Other 1) Readme!.txt - This file!